New Perspectives

I spent a lot of 2021 lying on the floor and deliberately breathing in and out. Not because I had given up—because I needed to reset and feel grounded. It’s okay to reset. I tell my teenager this all the time. We call it “Ctrl+Alt+Delete.” It’s a way of starting over....

Redefining Content and Marketing

“Can I pick your brain for a few minutes?” I’ve heard that several times in the past few weeks. So, I’m starting to sense a pattern and I’m beginning to wonder: Am I giving something away or is this validation that I have something to give? The bigger questions...

Sharing Is Caring

You give what you get—or you get what you give. Either way, as a small business owner, solopreneur, or dualpreneur, you may have to offer some giveaways whether you’re just starting out or you’ve been in business awhile. Start thinking about your best skill and your...

No, Really, It’s All About You

I don’t know about you, but the About Us page is one of the first places I visit on a website, especially if I’m looking to engage with a new company. I visit the About Us page because I want to know when the company launched. Are they a startup or do they have...

The Right Time to Rethink Your Business—And Your Content

We’re amidst a challenging time right now. Time is the keyword, here. We have the time to take action. We can use this time to redefine ourselves, reinforce what we’re doing, and rethink ways of doing business. We can be innovative, productive, and resourceful in...

How Do I Write?

And Why Should I Write Right Now? Earlier this week, a friend who confessed that she knows she needs to start blogging asked me: How do you even start writing? It’s a good question and one I’ve been asked countless times over the years. All I can say is: Just start....